Journalist, Author and Consultant

Five Reasons Why Mindful Drinking Helps With Better Health

We’ve all done it. We wake up after a night of boozy shenanigans with a growing sense of dread. Was there an ill-conceived text sent out? Was there a rambling nonsense fight that would never have happened if everyone wasn’t drunk? Are you nursing a crushing migraine and painful nausea that might last an entire day?

If you’ve ever had more than a handful of drinks in one night, then the answer to at least one of the questions above  is “Oh, god, yes.” What’s also common is a sense of dread and guilt as you come to terms with the consequences of bad choices.

Thinking about cutting back on liquor or cutting it out altogether? Here are some benefits to drinking less. 

Better Sleep, Better Health

Alcohol intake impacts sleeping patterns. It’s true that alcohol might make people sleepy in the short term, but health experts warn that those effects are short-term. Erratic sleeping patterns, including insomnia, are more likely to occur as a result of regular drinking. Drinking less alcohol will lead to better, deeper sleep, which in turn leads to overall health and mental clarity.

No Day-After Guilt

As mentioned at the start, there’s nothing quite like the dread of dealing with the consequences of choices you’d never make while sober. Skipping the drinking means staying in control, and waking up refreshed, not guilty. 

Two Words: No Hangover

Going fully zero-proof or even switching between zero proof drinks and traditional drinks means that you can still go out and socialize. You can still have pretty drinks in great glassware. The main thing you’re likely to leave behind? Crushing hangovers. Everyone experiences hangovers differently but they are no fun for anyone. The thing about hangovers: They only get worse as you get older. 

Glowing Skin

Alcohol use is linked to a range of health impacts. One of the most well-known (and visible) impacts: lackluster complexions. Alcohol dehydrates skin while also causing inflammation. Over time, that adds up to aging skin and discoloration that’s hard to remedy, a nutritionist told Vogue. Experts call alcohol one of the worst offenders when it comes to damaging skin.

Real Moments That You Remember

For many people, drinking too much means hazy or dropped memories the next morning. Going light on the alcohol, or skipping it altogether, means you’ll remember everything that happened while socializing, which is arguably the entire reason we go out  in the first place. 

After the year we’ve all had, we can’t take anything for granted, especially genuine moments with friends.

NewsElva Ramirez